SoulCare Wellness


Helping individuals improve emotional wellness while supporting them in their healing and trauma recovery.


Soul Care & Surrender

This 75-minute virtual class will start with a grounding and/or breathing exercise, followed by gentle movement prior to moving into 3-4 poses that are supported by a bolster, pillows, blankets, or yoga blocks.

Restorative yoga allows the practitioner to handle and process different traumas in their life whether cumulative, acute, or chronic. We are all seeking rest in a way that enables us to feel safe, free, and equipped to show up as our most authentic selves. Rest is not the same as sleep…we all need rest.

  • The restorative class is all on the floor where you find that the more you let go, the more you are held by the posture. Restorative yoga allows a sweet calm to appear where the innate intelligence of the body is allowed to restore balance and well-being. As our senses are drawn within, the practice becomes a meditation naturally leading to self-exploration and discovery. The extremely supported poses may be held from 15-20 minutes.

    *Practitioners have the option to have their cameras on or off; however, in order for me to best assist you in getting into the poses, it is more beneficial if I can see you and your mat.

    • yoga mat,

    • three yoga/Mexican blankets,

    • pillows,

    • two yoga blocks,

    • a yoga strap,

    • an eye pillow,

    • journal,

    • candle,

    • soft lighting, and

    • a quiet space.

  • To sign up for a Group Restorative Class please click HERE

    Group Package: 5 Restorative Group Class for the Price of 4 - Save $30

    (You’ll receive a code at check out that you will use when signing up for the specific class)